Phillip Macridis recently celebrated his 70th birthday with friends and family. Rather than receive gifts, Phillip asked his guests to donate to Shake It Up to help advance Parkinson’s research. The guests commented on what a great idea this was which not only saved them hours looking for a gift but it was a gift that keeps giving.
About Phillip
Phillip has been living with Parkinson’s for over a decade now. Definitively diagnosed at age 58, he would most likely have been living with the disease for some years due to its long preclinical stage. Initially we were shocked at the diagnosis, thinking he’s too young for Parkinson’s. We now know that this isn’t the always case. In fact, in the last decade we hear of people in their 20s and 30s are being diagnosed with this life changing neurodegenerative disorder. When we think about the men and women diagnosed so young, the serious negative impacts on their social life, family, quality of life, work, and health is just heartbreaking to us.
What are you doing to ‘shake things up’?
Phillip turned 70 in early May and his extensive bucket list included a big party (the last one was his 21st Birthday). Ever mindful of changing COVID restrictions we decided on a party at home. I had mentioned to Phillip in the past just how many times I’ve struggled to select a gift for someone who probably didn’t need or even want one. As there was nothing Phillip actually needed we suggested to guests that if they were intent on giving him a gift, a donation to Parkinson’s Research would be the best gift of all. Interestingly we had so many guests thank us for this suggestion because it saved them time and stress trying to find something. As a result of these generous donations we were able to send a cheque to the Shake It Up Australia Foundation for $2000. Being able to enjoy a wonderful birthday and also fundraise at the same time was particularly rewarding.
What advice do you have for others looking to make a difference?
Over the last ten years I have ran the City2Surf numerous times raising money as part of the NEURA Team. Now I’m no longer able to do this I’ve been thinking about other ways to raise funds for Parkinson’s Research. As social beings we love nothing more than a fabulous party or just a catch up over a drink and sausage sizzle. We would suggest that anyone contemplating hosting an event, it’s the ideal time to fundraise. Even gold coin donations add up over time!
The thing our donors really appreciated about Shake It Up Australia was that with the Campbell brothers amazing generosity, 100% of donation money goes directly into Research and an additional bonus; its tax deductible.
The perfect gift that just Keeps on Giving!