Tag: COVID-19

Even as COVID-19 vaccinations roll out across the country, offering hope for an end to the pandemic, we continue to learn about the virus and its effe...
One reported case of Parkinson’s onset after COVID-19 infection has scientists and the general community wondering about a connection between the co...
The coronavirus pandemic is impacting everyone across the globe. But until recently, we had little to no research on how it was specifically affecting...
How do we smell? Tiny odour molecules — of cookies baking in the oven, laundry that needs to be cleaned, or rosemary growing in the garden — trave...
What is Coronavirus Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that are like the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Middle East res...
During these uncertain times with coronavirus (COVID-19), many of us, both with and without Parkinson’s or mood changes, are experiencing worry and ...
Singer Neil Diamond and fellow ‘Parkie’ turned his hit “Sweet Caroline” into a public service announcement about social distancing S...