Podcast: Medical Marijuana and Other Alternative Therapies
Friday, 25th October 2019

Medical marijuana has become of increasing interest over the past few decades but in many cases there’s limited research on its effects, especially for Parkinson’s disease. Co-chair of The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) Patient Council and retired family physician Dr. Soania Mathur, moderates a conversation with Matt Ackerman, MJFF Patient Council member; Dr. Susan Fox, of the University of Toronto; Dr. Benzi Kluger, of the University of Colorado; and Dr. Helen Lavretsky, of the University of California, Los Angeles where they discuss:


  • Current studies on medical marijuana for Parkinson’s and the legal hurdles to research
  • Considerations to discuss with your doctor if you’re interested in medical marijuana
  • How acupuncture and vitamins and supplements may affect Parkinson’s symptoms


Professor Simon Lewis from the Brain and Mind Institue in Sydney provides some insights here into the true potential of this approach.