Friday, 10th September 2021
This week is ‘Include a Charity Week’, a national initiative that raises the profile and importance of individuals leaving charitable gifts in their Wills.
By having a Will, you get to decide how your assets, property and belongings will be distributed when the time comes. It is also a meaningful and important opportunity to take care of your family, your friends and the causes that are closest to your heart.
Under our partnership with Gathered Here, Australia’s top-rated Will-writing platform, you can write your Will for free – and update it for free whenever you need to in the future.
Leaving a gift to Shake It Up gives you the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy towards Parkinson’s research that will benefit future generations.
Leaving even 1-5% of your estate to Shake It Up for Parkinson’s research is a lasting and meaningful way to advance treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s.
Not only will your gift help the 100,000 Australian’s living with Parkinson’s, it will also help future generations.
For more information about leaving a bequest to Shake It Up, head to our bequests page.