5 Ways to Make Cooking Easier with Parkinson’s Disease
Monday, 5th October 2015

In general, it’s much easier to maintain a healthy diet when you cook at home. But Parkinson’s disease symptoms can make meal prep challenging, and cooking can be exhausting.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s research’s community recently shared the tools and tricks they use to cook healthy, tasty meals safely and easily.

  1. Gather everything you need and put it in one place before starting to cook. If it’s more comfortable, sit in a chair that brings you to the height of your counter and prep food while sitting.
  2. Take safety precautions and organise your kitchen so it’s as accessible as possible. Make sure the equipment you need is on an easy-to-reach shelf.
  3. Use light-weight tools that are easy to grasp. Lightweight pots and pans are easier to lift, and tools with thick handles can be more comfortable to hold.
  4. Choose recipes that don’t need you to prepare two different parts at the same time. Some people with Parkinson’s have trouble multitasking. If that sounds like you, try creating one-pot meals like a salad or stir fry. That way, you don’t have to worry about checking the oven while you’re in the middle of stirring a dish on the stovetop.
  5. Freeze extra servings to save for days when you’re not feeling up to cooking. Parkinson’s disease symptoms often vary from day to day, so it’s handy to have quick meals on hand. you could also take a nap before you cook to maximise your energy levels.

Source:  The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s research