Parkinson’s Divas Lunch Group – Shaking It Up for Parkinson’s
Thursday, 10th January 2019
Support groups for people with Parkinson’s can be hugely beneficial. Our hero today is the group Parkinson’s Divas who get together regularly to support each other and chat through issues. We spoke to Jennifer from the group to hear more about the great work they are doing.
I was 64 years old when I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2016 . I meet two other ladies with Parkinson’s -Janet Rowan and Larissa Richards and we met for coffee and a chat after exercise classes. We felt an immediate bond of friendship, shared information and had a common desire to make a difference in improving the lives of other women with Parkinson’s. We invited other ladies to join us for a monthly lunch and a chat and formed a support group two years ago.