June Research Forum – 6th World Parkinson’s Congress
Tuesday, 31st May 2022

Did you miss our June Research Forum? Watch the recording below.

Researcher: Dr Richard Gordon

Research Institute: University of Queensland


We are pleased to welcome Dr Richard Gordon from the University of Queensland. Dr Gordon is also a Science Ambassador for the 2023 World Parkinson’s Congress (WPC). The WPC is organised by the World Parkinson Coalition every 3 years and provides a unique international forum which brings together scientists, clinical researchers, health care professionals and people with Parkinson’s under one roof to discuss, learn, and engage with the latest scientific discoveries, medical and comprehensive care practices related to Parkinson’s disease.

Dr Gordon will showcase the exciting program and range of events planned for the 6th World Parkinson Congress (WPC 2023), which will be held in Barcelona, Spain from July 4 – 7, 2023. The panel will also include people with Parkinson’s from Australia who have attended previous WPC meetings. The panel will discuss their life-changing experiences that WPC meetings offer for scientists, people with Parkinson’s, as well as carers and anyone with a link to PD. The panellists will also be able to answer questions about WPC 2023 and provide advice for anyone looking to attend from Australia.

WPC Website: https://wpc2023.org/

Did you miss the June Research Forum? You can watch the recording below now.