Shake It Up Founder and CEO Clyde Campbell was honoured to be invited by Parkinson’s Queensland to deliver the James Parkinson’s Oration at their World Parkinson’s Day luncheon at the Pulman Hotel in Brisbane.
Parkinson’s Queensland President and National Vice-President, Professor George Mellick said “Clyde Campbell’s preparedness to deliver Parkinson’s Queensland’s 2019 James Parkinson’s Oration is significant acknowledgement of the role of research in finding a cure and will lift the awareness of Parkinson’s nationally. His participation is well regarded across all levels of research, politics, business and philanthropy while emphasising the importance of everyone working in collaboration towards a common goal; finding a cure for Parkinson’s.
Another highlight of the lunch was the presentation of travel awards Travel Awards intended to assist Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students to attend the 5th World Parkinson’s Congress to be held in Kyoto, Japan. This fantastic initiative stems from Parkinson’s Queensland belief in the importance of supporting HDR students who are actively engaged in this vital area of research and enabling them to become exposed to the leaders of global research into all aspects of Parkinson’s Disease.