With Mothers Day on Sunday this weeks hero shows how important her Mum is to her. Tamara’s Mum was diagnosed with Parkinson’s some time ago, she but rarely complains despite the daily challenges of this disease, her Dad is now her full time carer. To support her Mum Tamara and her husband Gareth chose to have their guests donate to Shake it Up in lieu of gifts at their recent wedding.
What Drives Your Commitment to find a cure for Parkinson’s?
My beautiful mum was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease some time ago. She has such a positive attitude and, coupled with her wonderful Irish sense of humour, she very rarely complains, despite the daily challenges of this disease. Dad and I love my mum very much and wish for nothing more than to see her relieved from this condition. I would also like to see Dad relieved from his demanding full-time carer role which he does so diligently and with such a big heart – he is a true inspiration.
Why Shake It Up Australia?
My husband, Gareth, and I chose to donate to Shake it Up Foundation as 100% of all funds raised go to research. The Foundation is proactively funding research to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease and has collaborated with the high profile Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. This demonstrates the Foundation’s focus and determination to find a cure which really appealed to us.
Tell us what you are doing to Shake Things Up?
For our wedding favours/gifts to our guests, Gareth and I decided to make a donation to Shake It Up Foundation for every second guest at our wedding. Gareth and I decided it was important to support a cause dear to us and to support my mum. For the other half of the guests, we donated to another health research cause, close to Gareth’s family. Gareth and I designed favour cards and, with the permission of the Foundation, replicated their logo on the cards with a personal thank you message to our guests from us. We placed these on guests’ dinner plates at our wedding reception.
Greatest Reward?
The greatest reward would be to see a cure for Parkinson’s Disease. I would love to see my mum back to her bright, shiny self all of the time and to enable dad and mum to be free to properly enjoy retirement together.
Best advice for people looking to Shake It Up?
Every bit counts. It is a wonderful cause to get behind. I feel we are so close to reaching a breakthrough with Parkinson’s Disease; it would be wonderful if in the next few years we could reach that breakthrough and alleviate the suffering of many.