Singer/Songwriter, Amanda Canzurlo, who has long performed under the pseudonym of Bloom, has been gaining acclaim for her smooth deep vocals and her fresh ambient pop sound.
When she began singing the songs of Linda Ronstadt and learning about Parkinson’s, Bloom wanted to make a difference. She reached out to Shake It Up and became a Shake It Up Ambassador, raising funds for the Foundation at her live concerts.
Bloom said, “I am very honoured to be an Ambassador for Shake It Up Australia,” says Bloom. “I not only get to perform the songs of one of my all-time favourite artists, Linda Ronstadt, but at the same time raise funds and awareness for Parkinson’s disease in a hope to find better treatments and ultimately a cure for Australian’s and their families living with Parkinson’s”.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to Sarah Chavdaroska and Alex Byrne for donating their creative skills and time to produce the below video. They have captured Bloom’s generous spirit and passion as a performer and her support for Shake It Up at all her concerts. Bloom has raised over $16,085 for Shake It Up towards her goal of $20,000. A big thank you to Bloom, Sarah and Alex.
Hear more about her story below.