Scarlett runs 55km for Parkinson’s
Friday, 6th November 2020

With Spring in the air quite a few of our supporters have started running, walking, cycling or swimming for Parkinson’s. Challenging yourself for Parkinson’s is a fantastic way to get the message out there about Parkinson’s research and our mission towards a cure.

Our hero this week is Scarlett, who challenged herself to run 55km in October. Supported by her friends and family, Scarlett completed her challenge and raised $1,316! We chatted with Scarlett to find out more about her motivations.


What drives your commitment to a cure for Parkinson’s?

My family has been personally affected by Parkinson’s disease so this intimate connection really drove me to support the people and organisations who are trying to find a cure for Parkinson’s.  It’s a disease that can really shake up someone’s normal lifestyle, and I think if I can help in anyway possible I will commit!


What did you do to ‘shake things up’?

I’ve never been much of a runner, so committing to running 55km over October was a milestone for me in relation to my fitness and health. I wanted to push myself because I know that most people with Parkinson’s push themselves everyday.


What advice do you have for others looking to fundraise?

I think it’s such a great way to get your family, friends and community involved in a cause that you passionate to support. Without fundraisers and donations finding a cure for diseases affecting the people we love would be that much harder. So to the people who are looking to start their own fundraiser, your commitment will not only change the life of your loved ones, but also the lives of people you have never met. Do it for yourself and do it for them!


Could you challenge yourself for Parkinson’s? It’s not as tricky as you might think! Come up with a way to challenge yourself (perhaps you could run, walk, cycle, dance or give up alcohol or sugar), set up a fundraising page and ask your friends and family to sponsor you. As we come into Spring, now is a great time to take advantage of the warmer weather while getting the message about Parkinson’s out there.

Find out more about challenging yourself for Parkinson’s today or contact our Community Fundraising and Events Manager, Isobel, to get started.